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Studies show that learning emotion-based skills
in childhood leads to increased
psychological resilience throughout life.

Are you a...?

  • Teacher

  • Parent

  • Youth Group Leader

  • Counselor


Learn to teach skills we all need

Learn how to practice emotion-based skills and then teach them to children and youth.  Our workshops will teach you the principles of the neuroscience of emotions and provide you with specific tools to use with yourself and with the young people in your life. 

Emotion-Based Skills...

  • Improve concentration and ability to learn

  • Reduce impulsive and aggressive behaviors

  • Improve social relationships

  • Increase calm and contentment

  • Are the foundation of Emotional Intelligence

  • Create psychological resilience in adulthood


Yes I want to learn more!

Teach emotion-based skills to a child...

Give them emotional resilience for a lifetime!

Learn about a Wide Variety of Topics

  • Calming the Anxious Brain

  • The Power of Mindfulness

  • Emotion-Based Skills from A-Z

  • Everyday Stress Reduction Practices

  • The Power of Radical Acceptance

  • The Multiplying Power of Co-Regulation

Emotion Wise workshops present skills in 10 different skill categories.

Each session focuses on teaching skills related to two or three of the 10 categories.


A minimum of six practices are taught in each workshop.


All Workshops and Presentations Facilitated by
Emotion Wise Founder Cheryl Simons, MA, LMFT

Drawing on 30 years of experience, Emotion Wise founder Cheryl Simons helps adults who help youth by providing emotion-related education, anxiety and stress management tools and more!

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